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Thursday 1 April 2010


I was just thinking back to my weekend in Margate and the fun that Caitlin and I had with a man and his theodolite..

They are building a brand new art gallery in Margate - The Turner Gallery - costing £10m.

As we walked along the sea front we found three theodolites, one on each side of a T-junction. As we walked past one I noticed that it was unattended and thought I'd take the chance to look through it - I've always wanted to know what you can see!

As I looked through I noticed that its opposite partner - the theodolite across the junction - had a man looking back at me!! Thinking I might be in trouble I quickly stepped aside but then in a flash of wickedness I decided to give him something to look at and threw my boobs into his line of vision!

He looked up stunned and we dashed away laughing!

1 comment:

Curiouscouple said...

I would have loved to have seen your boobs through my theodolite:-)