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Friday 15 May 2009

Bats in the Belfrey!!

Well ... tomorrow is 16th May 2009 - the day of the Moonwalk and I'm sitting here thinking that I must be completely and utterly bonkers!!

I'm going down to London to walk 26.2 miles in a decorated bra in the dark with approximately 15,000 other women!!!!

It will be no lazy wander I can asure you (far from the 'stroll' suggested by this weeks edition of the Pocklington Post!!) 4mph is rather a hasty pace, best described as charging around in a mad rush for - ooh probably 7-8 hours!!!!

In January when I started my training I relished the thought of taking a three mile walk up to Cliffe and back. Even as the walks grew longer they were still enjoyable -- offering an escape from hustle and bustle and a chance to settle my mind to things still needing my attention when I got back...

I must admit that there were times when the walking became rather a chore. It wasn't easy trying to find time to fit in 'a cheeky 8-miler' when you knew that it would take you at least 2 hours and that when you got back you'd be fit for nothing but a hot bath and a cuppa!!

There was a point a couple of months ago when I didn't seem able to find the time or the motivation to get beyond 13 miles ... but I did it!!

Who'd have thought that I would even look back on a very wet 16 mile walk and laugh at the thought of being soaked to the skin, with wet clothing, wet feet and hair in rats tails... especially as the weather forecast for tomorrows big day varies hugely depending on which weather channel you watch...

But here I am ... bats in my belfrey there may be but I am excited and raring to go...wish me luck :-)