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Friday 28 November 2008

OMG They've Arrived!!

Oh My God!
My 'Naked Photo Album' has arrived!
It was delivered by courier this morning!

Aaaahhh! I can't believe it!!

It feels so good looking through the album - I can't believe it's me!

Leigh you did a great job!
The photos are stunning!
I am sooo pleased!
Thank you so much xx

...and now I just want to run around and show everyone!!! Arrrggghhh!

I feel like a kid with the best toy in the world!

Hey Karen - you said you wanted a look - ring me - we got a date to make :-)

Sunday 16 November 2008

Fantastic Sex!!

Ah-Ha! I thought that would get your attention!

Abba Night was fab, Abb-Fab in fact :-)

Since I got even votes on the wear it or not question I decided to 'wear it'. I felt fantastic! My Gorgeous 4 inch heel, white Go-Go boots were amazing and made me feel like a million dollars!

Friends were dressed up too and their outfits were superb - Lisa looked brilliant as Agneatha with a sequined, long, burgundy kaftan and her long blond wig! Lian looked great as Annifrid and really suited her wild dark hair! Russ came as Bjorn but unfortunately his moustache just wouldn't stay in place and so after trying it in different places - eyebrows worked pretty well I thought! - he finally gave in and it laid abandoned for most of the evening!

Everyone looked really good and had put careful thought into what to wear but Gary, however, deserves a special mention!

He was dressed as an Abba girl with tight trousers, a crop top and a long black wig! He had make-up too but the bright red nails were the finishing touch!

What I should explain at this point is that Gary was responsible for doing the disco - now, imagine wearing that costume whilst keeping the music going AND maintaining a chatty banter with the audience AND at the same time, trying to control a statically charged black nylon wig which was clinging wildly to his face ... well now you know why I think he should get a medal!

... and on top of that he was dancing - giving it rock all I'd say!

The disco was fab - everyone having a good time and dancing the night away! Lisa was in there - go girl! She had a go at the karaoke too - but then again we all would if we had her voice :-)

I danced loads! I don't get to dance very often and the last time I did was May 2007!! I had a whale of a time! I do dance pretty much the same to every song though - except the Macarena - but everyone knows that don't they?!

It was great - I loved it!

Unfortunately babysitting curfew kicked in and we had to go about 11.30pm. The disco was still going strong and so was the party! We went back to Lisa's and after a quick cuppa we finally made our way home...

I loved my outfit - I had a few nice comments too which was a real boost :-) When I went to the loo I was quizzed about my 'fabulous' boots - Did I buy or hire them? Where from? How much? Aren't they amazing!

Well - yes they are - not only do they have the power to make the wearer feel fantastic but they have an incredible effect on those around too - John loved them so much that once we got home he wouldn't let me take them off for ages ... ;-)

I soooo need a reason to wear them again :-)

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Abb-Fab (or not?)

Well - I suppose every girl has a time in her life when she gets invited to an Abba party - and so my time has come!

The trouble is that they had such awful taste in clothes in the 70's and I'm not exactly cut to show off clingy lycra flares!!

And so I have scoured the charity shops and found this little number - so what do you think?

You may ADMIRE the Fabulous Go-Go Boots which are brand new and all mine - I love them - and they are surprisingly comfy!! You may OVERLOOK the really bad hair (been trying different things with gel, hairspray etc but it didn't work - as you can tell!)

As usual I have opened myself up to your opinion and need you to vote on whether to wear the black cardi - or not?

Comments will be moderated and so anything about tree trunk legs will not make it to the blog - sorry folks but I have to draw the line somewhere!

Deadline is Saturday night so ... ready ... steady... VOTE!

Friday 7 November 2008

Silly Buggar!

I have recently told another friend about my blog - I'm ashamed to say that not everyone knows about it yet! I've been asking myself what is stopping me from telling everyone - and the answer came to light as I was emailing my friend ... everything just came pouring out!

I thought I'd share the contents of my email......

Hiya :-)

So glad you're still speaking to me! I never know how people will react when they find out what I've done! I must say though that the people who know have all been brilliant - really pleased for me (and some have even been jealous!).

I'm a really insecure soul at heart and I am still scared that there are people who will refuse to speak to me after finding out what I did!

I didn't tell anyone that I was going for the shoot - not until afterwards - and even then it was the 'face to face' bit that was hardest - hence the blog - somehow it seems much easier to say things in the blog than in person!

Once I'd had the photos done I felt absolutely amazing! I got alot of male attention at the service station we stopped at on the way home so perhaps I was giving out 'vibes' - John thought this was quite amusing but I felt like I had a huge Neon sign saying 'I JUST DID A NAKED PHOTO SHOOT' - I did enjoy the attention though!!

Once I got back to 'real life' I still felt fab and I wanted to tell everyone about my naked photo shoot but I was never one to shout for the limelight!! I found the blog the easiest way to tell people!

It's really strange because I am really proud of the photos and it is by far the bravest thing I have EVER done - remember John is - or was - the only man to have ever seen me naked!

There are a few people who I think know about my blog but who haven't mentioned anything about it - I'm afraid to talk about it with them in case they DO know and think me rude ... or alternatively in case they DON'T know in which case I'm afraid that they will disown me!!

I haven't even dared to tell Mum or Dad!!!!!

Am I a silly buggar or what?

Anyway, I should be getting the photos back soon in an album and so if you would like to see them (in an artistic way of course!) then I would be really proud to show you :-)

With Love,
Diane :-)

And so to my PoshPinkArmy... if you know me and you read my blog then you will find out when my photos arrive. If YOU would like to see the album then I would be most proud to show it to you :-)

Sunday 2 November 2008

Crisis of Confidence!!

Well I did say that this would be a record of my 'trials and tribulations' so you can't expect only the good stuff!!

Today we were invited to go swimming with friends. Two families in the pool, swimming, splashing, having fun ... all the usual stuff!

'Yes' I said 'that would be great!' ... and then I had this flippin' great wobbler over what would I look like in my cossie!!!!! How MAD is that?????

Now I know I did the photo shoot but somehow that wasn't as bad as I suddenly felt at being seen in public in my swimsuit!

Now it's pretty horny having this guy spray your naked, oiled body with cold water (to get the right effect for the camera of course!) but that is a million miles away from feeling self-conscious on a 'fat-day' at the local pool!

What a twit!

Anyway, I gave myself a pep talk, put on my best, most confident smile and got in the water as quick as I could :-)

I love swimming - and we had a great time - and now I can't help wondering what all the fuss was about!!